Give information - In contrast th the empty hype which we find in many mass-media commercials, website are expected to provide information. Design your website for the visitors you are looking to attract.
Solve a problem, satisfy a "want" - There is a difference between "features" and "benefits". Features are facts regarding a service or product. Benefits are the way in which those features will directly improve people's lives. Examples: saving time, saving money, improving appearance.
Note: You must be very descriptive in naming the benefits to be effective. How many times have you seen an ad boasting 'Save time and Money!". People ignore it nowadays because it's too general and commonplace.
Focus on your customer, not on yourself - Customers want their problems solved. They want a
direct path to the pages where they can find answers. They don't care about company's history,
goals, awards..etc.
Appeal to emotions and feelings - Provide information that addresses people's emotions, e.g.,
the fear of financial loss, the excitement of making money.
Use words that attract attention - Free, You, Discover, Easy, Guaranteed, Proven, Safe, Secret.
Research other term that have proven to be effective.
Interact with your visitors - Your website can provide many opportunities for interaction: give away material, newsletters, discussion boards, chat rooms. These types of things allow for a personal service with customer service and increased sales.
Emphasize you Uniques Selling Point - What separates you from the competition$%: What specific qualities(that benefit the customer) set you apart$%:
Avoid hard-sell techniques - Especially on the internet, people don't want to be manipulated or
pushed, it's very easy to go somewhere else. Instead, design your site so it easy for visitors to navigate and leads them to a logical conclusion and a course of action for them to take.
Remember AIDA:
- Attention - Grab the person attention.
- Interest - Stimulate the person's interest in your product or service.
- Desire - Trigger the person's desire for your product or service.
- Action - Explicitly request action, "e.g., "Order Today and Save 10%!".